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by square

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비즈니스 금융
개발자: ADELANTE, s.r.o.
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by square je najjednoduchšia cesta ako zdieľať číslo bankového účtu a platobné údaje ak potrebujete aby niekto previedol peniaze na Váš účet.

Aplikácia by square pre Vás vytvorí QR kód s platobnými údajmi. Postačí ak Váš dlžník použije mobilný internet banking, načíta platobný QR kód a platobný príkaz sa mu automatický vyplní s Vaším číslom účtu a požadovanou sumou.

by square môžete použiť pri osobnom stretnutí, kedy Váš dlžník načíta platobný QR kód priamo z Vášho mobilu. Platobný QR kód môžete odoslať aj emailom a Váš dlžník Vám môže zaplatiť aj z pohodlia svojho domova.

Platobné QR kódy "PAY by square", ktoré vytvára aplikácia by square schválila Slovenská banková asociácia ako štandard pre ukladanie platobných údajov do QR kódov a nájdete ho aj na faktúrach spoločností, ktoré takýmto spôsobom uľahčujú zaplatenie faktúry.

Aplikácia vie čítať všetky typy by square kódov (PAY by square, INVOICE by square a ITEMS by square) a archivuje ich. Po pripojení na webovú službu môžete oskenované faktúry
exportovať do vášho ekonomického a účtovného softvéru.

Aplikácia načítava faktúry s QR kódmi PAY by square, INVOICE by square a ITEMS by square, kde sú uložené všetky dôležité fakturačné údaje potrebné na zaúčtovanie. Po pripojení na webovú službu by square môžete exportovať faktúry do vášho ERP/účtovného softvéru.

by square is the easiest way to share banking details in order to receive payments to your bank account with the help of your phone.

This app creates a payment QR code that contains all your banking details and payment info.

Your debtor only needs to scan the QR code with his mobile internet banking app. The payment order is pre-filled and the payment can be made without the need to retype banking details.

You can use this for payments in person, where your debtor scans the QR code from your phone, or send the payment QR code by email and your debtor can pay you from the comfort of his home.

The "PAY by square" code generated by by square is approved as a standard by the Slovak banking association for use in Slovakia for encoding payment details into QR code.

by square app supports the scanning function of all by square codes (PAY by square, INVOICE by square a ITEMS by square) and enables to archive scanned payments and invoices.
While connected to by square webservice, you can export your invoices into your ERP/accounting software.

This app is brought to you by ADELANTE, s.r.o. that has developed the "PAY by square" specifications for the Slovak banking association and all slovak banks have agreed to use this standard in Slovakia (visit

by square app supports the scanning function of all by square codes (PAY by square, INVOICE by square a ITEMS by square) and enables to archive scanned payments and invoices.
While connected to by square webservice, you can export your invoices into your ERP/accounting software.